PR Name | Participating_Groups_Concert_History__r.ACTS__r.Repertoire__c |
PR201902-2906 | Array |
PR201902-2907 | Great Bend Center for Music: Great Bend Chorale |
PR201902-2908 | Tin: Calling All Dawns |
PR201902-2909 | Total Vocal with Deke Sharon (5th Anniversary) |
PR201902-2910 | Susan E. Wagner High School Wind Ensemble, NY |
PR201902-2911 | Tin: Calling All Dawns |
PR201902-2912 | Array |
PR201902-2913 | Ray: Gospel Mass (40th Anniversary of Composition) |
PR201902-2914 | Ray: Gospel Mass (40th Anniversary of Composition) |
PR201902-2915 | Ray: Gospel Mass (40th Anniversary of Composition) |