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Between Heaven And Earth

Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall


James M. Meaders, DCINY Associate Artistic Director and Conductor
Ola Gjeilo: Sunrise Mass
Featuring Distinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

Tom Shelton, Guest Conductor
Tom Shelton: Music for Youth Voices

Richard Sparks, Guest Conductor
New York Premiere
Allan Bevan:
Nou Goth Sonne under Wode
Featuring Distinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

Also Featuring:

Jolaine Kerley, Soprano

Timothy J. Anderson, Narrator

Participating Groups

Charlotte Preparatory School

Clinton High School Arrow Singers

Clinton Junior High School Choir

Cypress Ridge High School

Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus (Alberta, Canada)

First United Methodist Church of Peoria, IL Sanctuary Choir

Germantown Middle School Choir

Heartsong Choir

Highbridge Voices

Indian Land Middle's Warrior Choir

Inês de Castro Symphonic Choir

Keiran McNiff Singers


Kings Chorale

Nidarosdomens Oratoriekor & Singsaker Songlag

River Dell High School Select Choir

Singers from the South of England

Singsaker songlag

The Garrison Forest School Middle School Chorus

Trinity Western University Chamber Choir

Troubar Clair Choir, Riviera dei fiori

Valley Springs Middle School Chorus

Special Guests

Artist's Name

James M. Meaders

Artist's Name

Tom Shelton

Artist's Name

Jolaine Kerley

Artist's Name

Timothy J. Anderson