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The Triumph of Hope

Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall


Paul Mealor, Composer/Conductor
The Military Wives Choirs

Military Wives Choir Sing in New York (UK)
In support of MWCF

Greg A. Oden, Director
West Monroe High School Choir (LA)

Dr. Jason Altieri, Director
Reno Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (NV)

Military Wives Choir,
The Military Wives Choirs

Military Wives Choir Sing in New York (UK)
In support of MWCF

Participating Groups

Rebel Choir

Reno Philharmonic Youth Symphony Orchestra

The Accidentals (treble); Lyrics (mixed)

Special Guests

Artist's Name

Paul Mealor

Artist's Name

Military Wives Choir

Artist's Name

Greg A. Oden

Artist's Name

Dr. Jason Altieri